




A: Hey, I'm feeling really stressed about the upcoming English speaking test. I don't know how to prepare for it.
B: Don't worry, I understand how you feel. The first step to relieving exam stress is to find a study method that suits you.
A: What do you mean by "study method"?
B: Well, some people like to study alone, while others prefer studying in groups. Some people find it helpful to make flashcards or listen to English podcasts. You need to find what works best for you.
A: I see. I think I'll try studying with a friend and making flashcards. Thanks for the advice!


A: I've been studying for the English speaking test non-stop, but I still feel overwhelmed.
B: Maybe you should take a step back and create a realistic study plan. It's important to have breaks and not overwork yourself.
A: That's a good idea. How should I go about creating a study plan?
B: Start by setting specific goals for each study session. Break your study time into smaller, manageable chunks. And don't forget to schedule breaks to relax and recharge.
A: I'll give it a try. Hopefully, this will help me feel less stressed. Thanks for the advice!


A: I feel like I'm the only one struggling with the English speaking test. Everyone else seems so confident.
B: Don't be so hard on yourself. It's normal to feel stressed and doubt your abilities. Remember, you're not alone in this.
A: I guess you're right. It would be helpful to talk to someone who understands.
B: Absolutely! Reach out to your friends, classmates, or even your teacher for support and encouragement. Sometimes just talking about your worries can make a big difference.
A: I'll try that. It's good to know that I have people I can rely on. Thanks for the advice!


